ZARCON 10 - Hell Yeah Baby!

Brain hurts, body hurts, soul feels goooood.

July 25-29, 2007

Location: Dogwood Hills Country Club, 1252 Route KK, Osage Beach, MO

"We don't stop playing because we get old; we get old because we stop playing." - George Bernard Shaw, playwright & Nobel laureate
“The power of imagination makes us infinite."- John Muir, environmentalist, explorer, writer





Previous Years' Webpages

Other stuff

Things You Asked For 

ARE YOU ON THE LIST?  (The People, with hearts, in honor of Chip's Klingon physiology, for number of Zarcons attended)

YES!  I will attend Zarcon X!

MAYBE!  I will know later if I will attend Zarcon X!

NO!  I will not attend your silly little Zarcon X!

WAIT!  What was the question again?

Zarconeers text list by name (out of date)
Zarconeers text list by state (out of date)

Update your information by email


The Place (probably)

Dogwood Hills Best Western
Overhead shot
Route Map



NEW CONTENT:  Zarcon X Schedule by player and game

As usual, anyone who wants to stand up a game can do so.


Combat Cards - Bogie Dungbreath Invitational in the Hospitality Suite.  I'm the King of the World!!!!!

THURSDAY early (11:00-5:00)

Legacy of the Norns: The Stillness of Skuld (John + 8 players, modified Base10)  Mead for breakfast (or lunch)!  Skal!

Some Background     The Story So Far (as of start of Z10)    Cebo's Battlesong   Guess who?

Board, card, and figure-based games, like

HeroClix, Risk, Munchkin, Zombies, Guillotine, Settlers of Catan, Puerto Rico and Talisman

THURSDAY late (6:00-whenever)

Maya Mythology Mayhem 2007 of 2012 (Jimbo + 7 players, system TBD)

Copan    Tikal    Sunset    Observatory

Small Table Event 2 TBA (see list below)

Board, card, and figure-based games

FRIDAY early (11:00-5:00)

Average Joe (ScotT + 5 players, system ultraviolet level clearance only)


Zarcon Heritage (Dave + 5 players, system TBD)

Board, card, and figure-based games

FRIDAY late (6:00-whenever)

Sulus Alasia (Kevin + 5-7 players, system - as always - TBA.)

Alteration    Illusion    Necromancy    Necropolis    Summoning    Worm's Wrath    Tapestry   Teaching

Time Flies! (John + whoever isn't playing Sulus, Hero-very-slightly-revised)


Board, card, and figure-based games (if you want)

SATURDAY early (11:00-5:00)

Star Wars (Dave + 6 players, Hero)  Established characters get first chance to attend but new players will be encouraged

Jedi     Jedette     Our noble pilot   Whatsisname    Battledroid   Clone Commandos    Zon's Bane
The Story So Far (as of start of Z9)
Source Information  Starship references
StarWarz the Musical! (flash)

Small Table Event 8 TBA (see list below)

Board, card, and figure-based games

SATURDAY late (6:00-whenever)

A Closet, a Skeleton, a Key, and a Secret that will not Die  (Derek, no steenkin system, all comers)

Read it and weep, you fools!


As usual, closing ceremonies for those who can attend…. Mmmmmm, Poppers!!!

Event List (2 more required to fill calendar above)

Anyone who wants to stand up a game can do so.  Possible inclusions are:

Monster creation guide
Monster Stats
More Monster Stats
Yet more monster stats
Trouble picking a monster to play?

No-one's yet claimed:


Old Pages and Content

Zarcon 5 page
Zarcon 6 page is lost to the sands of time - sorry.
Zarcon 7 page
Zarcon 8 page
Zarcon 9 page
Epic City (by Chipper)

Epic City - Meet the New Gods!  (Chip, Hero 4/5)



Free Agents:

*:  Note that under Hero Accounting Standards Board Rule 156 Interpretation 38, characters who are not overtly acting against that which is Right and Just cannot be termed "evil" or "villains," instead, they must be accounted for as a contra-hero, which more accurately describes their role in the endeavor.


The Other Stuff

Shopping list (Comments?  Email John)
Menus (Comments?  Email John)

Photo gallery is open and awaiting submissions

Kemme gets engaged (Picture 1, Picture 2)
Ethan Ghent's nursery (Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3, Picture 4)
Ethan's nurse (Picture 1)
Behold! The Future of Zarcon! ( Picture 1  Picture 2  Picture 3)
Chip/Edd yields to the power of the mighty burrito at Z7 (current score is burrito 3, Chip 1 under 2003-4 NHL overtime rules)

Internet Oracle
Duck and Cover

Lost your creative edge?  Restore it at the Seventh Sanctum!

Preferred Content Providers

T Shirt Hell


Things You Asked For

Warthog Jump!
The Order of the Stick (improved link jumps straight to newest installment)
Science and Creation (from Chip)


Email John with broken links, ideas, etc.