Legacy of the Norns: The Story So Far

The cross-country ride passes in just a moment but covers half the countryside at a blistering pace. Woozy from the mead and the ride, they Nine reign their steeds to a halt atop a small hill, some mile distant from what is now clearly the base of the Tree of Life, Yggdrasil. A black-walled castle rings a small part of the trunk of the Mighty Ash. Arrayed in the vale below is a massive army that seems to be preparing a charge against the fortress.

"I know this place," Asgeir, the Volsung says. "It is the Nyrond Keep, home to wizards of darkness."

"A larger army I have never seen," growls Brynholf, loosening his greatsword from its sheath. "Five thousand strong if a man."

"Surely the passage to the Urdabrunn lies within," Cebo of the Vanir speculates.

The castle is less than a mile distant, set into a cleft in an impassable black basalt cliff face that spreads left and right, such that its wall presents the third part of a full circle to the valley. To your left, the escarpment slowly recedes from view. To the right, the cliff face comes toward you before curling away out of sight. The army is arrayed some two hundred paces from the walls, filling the field from the basalt cliff faces at left and right. Not a patch of ground remains unoccupied for another full two hundred paces - men throng and clatter, awaiting word from some unseen general.

Through mighty magic that sweeps away the horde as tide does a robin's nest, the Nine arrive at the gate, demand entry and are heard. Inside, they are shown a mighty oaken door and given a guide. Behind the door lies a massive stone stair, describing the interior wall of the tree - fully half a mile from side to side. At its base lies a plush field, a small farm, a couple of goats, a well, and three old crones, spinning thread. Beyond the three crones are two massive doorways, one leading to a fiery cavern and one leading to an icy expanse.

The Guide tells the Nine that they may ask each of the crones - the Norns - one question. One will answer for the past, one will answer for the present, and one will answer for the future. The Norns reinforce their belief that who they seek is beyond whatever lies behind the caverns. The Norns confirm: The imprisoned one lies beneath the Island of Chains on the Sea of Oblivion. And they warn: Beware Svaulang and her sons, who guard the Chasm bridge!

The Nine plus the Guide descend, choosing the path of ice. At the base of a massive stair, miles long, they see a plain, scattered with ice pillars hundreds of feet in height, and a large frost bridge. Approaching the bridge, they espy a massive serpent with ten heads guarding it, but are set upon by wolves, some gigantic, before they can cross. In heroic fashion, they dispatch all foes, but not before some greivous damage befalls them. Among them, two are nearly killed.

Crossing the bridge, with the animated corpse of the serpent for company, the Nine and their Guide find a glowing blue longboat at rest in the shallows of a night-black sea, and a storm of lighting in the distance. They board, and the boat approaches the storm.

Upon gaining sight of the storm's locus, the Nine and their Guide see a glowing tower of chains forming over an island. The fortress surrounds a massive pile of locks. From the heights of the tower come balls of fire. They land, disembark and begin to approach the tower, whose occupants are giant and ghoulish men armed with massive barbed chains. From time to time, lightning strikes the island, and, after epic skirmishing, the guardians are defeated.

Snidil, the dwarf, has spent his time on the island picking the pile of locks, and, by the end, has succeeded enough that a massive hand erupts from the center.

A large, dark haired man emerges as from a bath, stands before the Nine, and laughs mightily. He thanks the Nine for freeing him, drops a large bag, and strides to the boat, sailing it into the dark distance. The Nine, now left alone on the Island of Chains, consider the bag. Their deliberation is interrupted by the appearance of Odin, who curses them for releasing Loki, the Trickster, from bondage. Odin vows to punish the Nine for their transgression, but leaves to chase Loki.

"O you wretched!  My Einherjar shall chase you to the ends of the Nine Worlds!  Never shall you sleep but they will again be upon you!"

The words of Odin's curse still ring in the ears of the Nine, when they blink, and find themselves on the same desolate hilltop staring at the same fire.

On the horizon, a man approaches, with a pig over his shoulder. In the fire circle is a large, black leather bag.

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On to Norns 3

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