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THERE!Zarconeers text list by name (out of date)
- Edd "Chip" Ghent (Perfect attendance despite Loki's best efforts)
- Dave "Spidey" Piening YYYYYYYYYY (Hearts not red and beating b/c you came late one year)
- John "Johnny Buzzkill" DeLaHunt YYYYYYYYY
- Jim "Jimbo" Eckhardt YYYYYYYYY
- Kevin Gangel YYYYYYYYY
- Scott "Skemme" Kemme YYYYYYYYY
- Derek "Derde" Maschek YYYYYYYYY
- Brian Walker YYYYYYYYY
- Scott "ScottT" Thompson YYYYYYY
- Mike Machura YYYY
- Tanner Forester Y
- Britt Johnson Y
- Steve "DogBoy" Snipes Y (Friday-Sunday only)
- Scott Aubochon YYYY
- Rob "Breakin'" Brianne YYYY
- Andrew Dilger Y
- Jeff "JD" Heithoff YYYYYY
- Andrew Heckman YYYYY
- Jason "Balll" Peterson YYY
topUpdate your information by email
Dogwood Hills Best Western
Overhead shot
Route Map
Zarcon XI Schedule by player and game
As usual, anyone who wants to stand up a game can do so.
Combat Cards - Bogie Dungbreath Invitational in the Hospitality Suite. I'm the King of the World!!!!!
THURSDAY early (11:00-5:00)
Epic City - 30 Gables: Urban Golems (by Chipper)
- Shane (Kev)
- Djinn (Bri)
- Clouded Leopard (Dave)
- DECON, aka The Laughing Man (was hazman, shown here in secret identity...J, John)
- Enigma (ScottT)
- Dark Force (Jim)
- Alternate: Ghostdancer (Derek)
Epic City content
Small Table Event 1 TBA (see list below)
Board, card, and figure-based games, like
HeroClix, Risk, Munchkin, Zombies, Guillotine, Settlers of Catan, Puerto Rico and Talisman
THURSDAY late (6:00-whenever)
Think Fast! (John + 5-6, d10)
Eternal Champions (Tanner, uhhhh Hero)
Board, card, and figure-based games
FRIDAY early (11:00-5:00)
Star Wars (Dave + 6 players, Hero) Established characters get first chance to attend but new players will be encouraged
Jedi Jedette Our noble pilot Whatsisname Battledroid Clone Commandos Zon's Bane
The Story So Far (as of start of Zarcon XI)
Source Information Starship references StarWarz the Musical! (flash)Adventures of LadyHawke (Derek, FireFly/Serenity themed, all else TBD)probably)
Background Story (as of Zarcon XI)
Board, card, and figure-based games
FRIDAY late (6:00-whenever)
Maya Mythology Mayhem 2008 of 2012 (Jimbo + 7 players, Hero probably)
Copan Tikal Sunset Observatory
Small Table Event 2 TBA (see list below)
Board, card, and figure-based games (if you want)
SATURDAY early (11:00-5:00)
Epic City - Stellar Force: Robots Amuck...
- Binary (Tanner)
- Red Giant (ScottK)
- Black Hole (Jeff)
- Super Nova (Steve)
- White Dwarf (Derek, maybe?)
- Pulsar (Machura)
- Nebula (Mystery Guest)
- Neutron (TBD)
Epic City content
Small Table Event 3 TBA (see list below)
Field trip! Weapon Familiarity: Small Arms
Board, card, and figure-based games
SATURDAY late (6:00-whenever)
Sulus Alasia (Kevin, system - as always - TBA.)
As usual, closing ceremonies for those who can attend…. Mmmmmm, Poppers!!!
Event List ( more required to fill calendar above)
Anyone who wants to stand up a game can do so.
Possible inclusions
- Angel of the Tides (Pat or Rob or John, no system necessary)
- Gangopoly (John has the rules, but we need a Monopoly game and a way to place three kinds of soldiers per player)
- Monster Mash (No operator necessary, Hero)
Monster creation guide
Monster Stats
More Monster Stats
Yet more monster stats
Trouble picking a monster to play?
- Red Shirts (Rob, system TBD)
No-one's yet claimed:
- Combat Cards Live! (operator TBD, system TBD)
- Horror TBD (operator TBD, system TBD)
Zarcon 5 page
Zarcon 6 page is lost to the sands of time - sorry.
Zarcon 7 page
Zarcon 8 page
Zarcon 9 page
Zarcon 10 page
Epic City - Meet the New Gods! (Chip, Hero 4/5)
Contra-Heroes from Zarcon 9:
- SKemme - The Count
- Mike Machura - Half-life
- Jimbo - Baron Samedi
- Derde - Quill
- Andrew D - Carbide
- Andrew H - Corona (Character Sheet)
Shopping list (Comments? Email John)
Photo gallery is open and awaiting submissions
Menus (Comments? Email John)Kemme gets engaged (Picture 1, Picture 2)
Ethan Ghent's nursery (Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3, Picture 4)
Ethan's nurse (Picture 1)
Behold! The Future of Zarcon! ( Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3)
Chip/Edd yields to the power of the mighty burrito at Z7 (current score is burrito 3, Chip 1 under 2003-4 NHL overtime rules)Internet Oracle
Duck and CoverLost your creative edge? Restore it at the Seventh Sanctum!
Preferred Content Providers
Warthog Jump!
The Order of the Stick (improved link jumps straight to newest installment)
Science and Creation (from Chip)