Fafnirkind's found in more forms than are counted
Wyrms in their wickedness wily and fell
Shades might these serpents be straight from the grave mound
Rune-crafty ravers that revel in gore
Maybe they're mighty and mickle in warfare
Surely they're scary and spectral and more
Doubtless they're death like a demon incarnate
Strong is my sword-hand so see if I care
Fill up the fields with my foes and I'm happy
Drown me in dragon-undead and I'll sing
Seek ye to slay me I'll spit on your ashes
Hie away home or I'll hand you your spleen
Hale is my hauberk and heavy my sword-hand
Tyr's name is twice on the tang of my blade
Widdershins One-Eye did walk round my cradle
Guzzling Godsmead in Gladsheim's my wyrd
Now that you know that you never can kill me
Conjure what creatures you can if you dare
Bathed in their blood will I be ere the ending
Skalds will be singing great songs of my fame
Strap 'em on baby, and come to play, 'cause the Norns came looking for MY autograph...