
Elves are small, spry, clever, good-hearted, and joyously extroverted. Among the more magical beings in the nine worlds, they can fly, become invisible, and change form at will (as opposed to others, for whom changing form is a serious undertaking). They will defend forests, fields and creatures from attack with fierce resistance, relying on their magic abilities to dissuade the activity. When not actively seeking to preserve plants and animals, elves may be found among the world of men posing as a native, seeking information and humor. Elves recognize the delicate balance of the world - life and death - and see themselves as preservers of that balance more than keepers of life. When the time has come, it has come.

Elves often perform their missions in Midgaard, but must also tend to plants and animals in Jotenheim, Vanirheim and Asgard. As reluctant as they are to show themselves openly in the world of Men, they are more so in the worlds of Aesir, giants and Vanir.


Aesir: The gods, and the god-spawned, are currently at their zenith of power. They often focus on matters beyond their walls, and so neglect the tending of their world’s creatures and plants. Supremely powerful, they have the fate of others in their eyes. However, they too will pass.

Dwarves: Rapacious and crude, the only positive about dwarves is that they rarely, if ever, venture out into the lands of light. They are the ultimate users - if they need it, they take it. When dwarves live above the soil, instead of beneath it, the Elves will be busy.

Giants: Like men, giants are prone to yielding to their urges at the expense of the land around them. However, they have a deeper connection to the world than do men, and so are of much less concern.

Men: Men are the primary threat to plants and animals. They are beset by unfathomable urgings that lead them to outrageous acts. They are generally unwise, lacking awareness of the true ways of the worlds, and largely unwilling to learn. They are part of the order of things, so must be tolerated rather than exterminated. Some can be taught, and these are the hope of the world.

Night Elves: Night elves are the keepers of the passage of things to death. They are a vital part of life and are wholly indispensable. Their talents differ from those of elves, but they are sufficiently similar as to be indistinguishable, except for their dark color.

Vanir: Though the Vanir gods now live among the Aesir, the remaining inhabitants of Vanirheim possess a deep and abiding understanding of the nature of life. Should one clever enough to talk emerge, they are a conduit to great learning and wisdom, by virtue of their years.

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