
Giants are good-natured, magical beings. They are not gods, but they are more than men. Huge and strong, giants can perform great acts of construction or destruction, and are quite expert at crafting favorable agreements with both men and the Aesir. Long ago, when a giant offered to build Asgard’s wall, the Aesir cheated on the agreement, and exiled the giants to Jotenheim. Since that time, the giants have enjoyed teasing the gods and showing them to be fallible.


Aesir: The gods broke the original agreement, and they ignore the shame that should rightfully fall upon their shoulders. This, too, will be made plain in the fullness of time.

Dwarves: These little men cannot be trusted, but will keep a bargain once it is made. The best approach is to word the agreement carefully.

Elves: Elves have an important job, but it is of little to the matters of men and giants.

Giants: Strong and noble, giants are like half-gods themselves. Banished because of an unseemly breach of agreement, they have made the best of their lives in Jotenheim and await the reconciliation, when the rightful places shall be made clear.

Men: Often tempted by trivial matters, men are the source of much amusement. Their lives are important to them, though, and they are very earnest - thus they deserve great respect. Unlike the Aesir and Volsung.

Night Elves: Night elves have an important job, but it is of little to the matters of men and giants.

Vanir: Their time is past, but the elder gods never once abused the giants.

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