
Though the most mighty of the Vanir have long ago joined the Aesir in Asgard, the mystical creatures of Vanirheim remain in lush forests of relative peace. Among them are satyrs, who occasionally venture into Midgaard to lure women to a leafy bed with music and wine. The Vanir share a bond of memory beyond memory, and a sense of the vast sweeping strokes with which life and death are drawn.


Aesir: The current gods are mighty and powerful, all the more because they know that their time will soon become eclipsed in favor of another. As long as they remain powerful, they are worthy of respect and even reverence.

Dwarves: These little men cannot be trusted, but will keep a bargain once it is made. The best approach is to word the agreement carefully.

Elves: Elves understand the world as do the Vanir. Their work is vital and they are worthy of deep respect.

Giants: Giants have a legitimate complaint with the Aesir. Never once did the Vanir and the giants fail to reach accord. The giants are good people.

Men: Men are the undoing of the world. They are short-sighted and narrow-minded, forgetting that there was a world before theirs, and there will be another after. They live in the moment, forgetting the past and forsaking the future. They need guidance.

Night Elves: Night Elves understand the world as do the Vanir. Their work is vital and they are worthy of deep respect.

Vanir: Our time is past, but it may well come again, as surely as the sun rises after the longest night.

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