
The Volsung are the offspring of might Sigurd, son of Odin. The blood of the Gods washes through their veins, and they are born to greatness. They have firm features, a noble bearing, and are deeply honorable. Unceasingly humble, they do not use their heritage to coerce others. They lead through example, choosing the paths of honor and sacrifice before any other. They dream of a time when they can rejoin their kin in Asgaard. Until that time, they are content to wage the battle for justice and right, fighting with honor and courage.

Volsung live as men among men, but live much longer. They often take wives as they age and the yearning for adventure and renown ebbs in them.


Aesir: The keepers of the world of Asgard will one day recall their own to celebrate before Heimdall blows his horn to signal the beginning of the end - Ragnorak. It is a Volsung’s sole mission to be worthy of joining Odin for the mighty battle.

Dwarves: It is true dwarves are master craftsmen and that makes them worthy of some respect. But they are small, swarthy, and prone to deceit and misstatement. If you find a liar and look closely at him, you’ll find that he’s of dwarfish descent or has been taught by them. The world cannot do without their ingenuity, but it can survive without their influence.

Elves: Elves must have an important job, but it is of no concern to the matters of men and Volsung.

Giants: Long ago, giants offered to build a wall that protects Asgard. Though they failed to complete the task, still they claimed their payment. The sin of deceit runs through them still. They are the breakers of oaths and covenants, and, though they be magical, no giant is worthy of trust.

Men: It is through men that the Gods will weave their legacy. Men are the key to the future of all the worlds. Honorable and courageous men are worth their weight in gold. It is the protection of this potential, and this true value, to which the Volsung have sworn oath after oath. And these pledges have always seen reward.

Night Elves: Night elves must have an important job, but it is of no concern to the matters of men and Volsung.

Vanir: The Vanir are part of the Aesir now. We will meet them later.

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