The tortured Jedi coughed, yellowish fluid trickling from the corner of his mouth.
"The Jedi are ancient, and so are our foes, and they number among them more than the Sith. A thousand years ago lived an Arkanian named Draagen Raz. He was a being evil enough to make my erstwhile tormentor appear saintly. He was also an unsurpassed master working with crystals, a leader amongst the Agatean Hierarchs. For years he worked in cooperation with the Sith and others, enhancing the properties of their red crystals and strengthening their lightsabers. But as time passed his pride grew and he resented the arrogance of the Sith. He broke with them, finally, ostensibly retiring, and he founded a secret order of Dark Side worshippers in rivalry with them. Privately he delved deeper and deeper into the abyss of the Dark Side lore. His crystal mastery grew, and he sought the ultimate saber crystal. Eventually, one could say he found it. He created a saber crystal called the Bloodstone. In a saber, it formed a blade of a deep red color, much darker than the red blades of the Sith, and unmistakable. It projected a field that focused the Force, heightening its bearer's power. The most potent trait it possessed, however, was its ability to disrupt any lightsaber it touched, shorting it out. Imagine the power its wielder could command! Unfortunately it is wholly a tool for evil, to embrace it is to embrace the Dark Side. No record exists of its use, thankfully, and Draagen Raz was murdered not long after its creation. The power of the Agatean Hierarchs waned as a result as well. Once he was dead the connection between Raz and his secret order was never revealed. All this I know from my research in this area." The Jedi paused, gathering strength, and Gal Fador spoke.
"How does this evil relic concern us, Master, if it has been lost for a thousand years?"
"What was lost, young one, for however long, may yet be found," Mujhar Din replied softly, "And now another searches for it. This is where the peril lies.
"You may have heard the name Vader. He is a Dark Lord of the Sith and the new Emperor's right hand. He is also his hound. Jedi after Jedi have fallen to his skill and dark power, and his hunt for the remnants of our order continues. But now he also seeks the Bloodstone. In some archive he has learned of it and its power. Understand that the Jedi are broken. Vader is the one prophesied to bring balance to the Force and I believe that this will be accomplished by the near extermination of our order. So be it. Neither you nor I can stop that now. My concern is for the future. A generation is nothing, nor is a century. A trace of the Jedi will survive; a new hope will arise and challenge the rule of the Emperor. I have seen it. This challenge is doomed to failure if Vader finds the Bloodstone. With it he will be invincible and Emperor's reign will end so far in the future that it is beyond my sight.
"This is the legacy that I must leave you with. Let it be the last instruction you students take from a master. Find the Bloodstone. Hide it, keep it safe, destroy it somehow. Just find it and keep it from Vader." Mujhar Din took a deep wracking breath and trembled.
"The only aid in this I can give you is information. It is not much but it is crucial, for it is known to only a few beings in the entire galaxy and Vader is not one of them. The order that Draagen Raz founded was called the Brotherhood of the Dark Nebula. He himself was well known to the Sith as the Agatean Hierarchs were allied with them. Since the Brotherhood was born to rival the Sith he hid his connection to them and presided over them in another guise. He ruled the Brotherhood, but it is my guess that none knew whom they served. The Sith barely acknowledge the existence of Raz' order, since it only troubled them briefly. After the death of its founder, the Brotherhood remained far underground, dispersing in hidden enclaves. They still thwart the Sith in small and secret ways, waiting until they find someone worthy enough to bear the Bloodstone and destroy their rivals. It is a fool's hope, for given enough time Vader will discover who they are and what they hide, and thus they will perish and he will become unstoppable.
"You must act first and prevent this. You must find the Brotherhood of the Dark Nebula and the Bloodstone first. Help me, students of the Jedi, you are my only hope; the hope of the galaxy, the hope of a new republic." Mujhar Din slumped and was silent for a long time. When he spoke again his voice was barely audible.
"Preserve the heritage of our order," he breathed, "be worthy of those who came before you, those who have taught you, and those who have died. Always be wary of the Dark Side. As the council and its examinations are no more I take on their authority and name all of you full Jedi. Bear the title proudly for you have earned it. Remember me and seek the Bloodstone!? The voice trailed into silence for a long moment.
Suddenly there was a great surge in the Force and Mujhar Din's still form glowed with a bright light. Zon let go and staggered back as the light became blinding, and the black slime on the walls crackled and burned. Everyone in the group staggered as the Force thrummed in their heads like a turbine.
Then it was gone. All that remained of the tortured Jedi was a pile of smoldering rags. The youngest, newest Jedi were alone.
To be continued... Part IV
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