The time is approaching and the wheels of invention are turning!
COMBAT CARDS 2002 will have a NEW LOOK!!!
For years we've picked our decks and lived with the draw of the cards, unless we were picking from the lesser decks of Warriors, Dwarves and Goblinoids. Players wished for certain legendary cards but often were forced to work with the luck of the draw, consisting of undesirable cards. In addition we didn't have enough decks to satisfy all of the participants.
I've worked out a system of card battles that leaves
chance at bay and has 25 decks from which to choose. Its all point based!
I'll explain...
Base card points = total statistic points + 10 points/icon.
Here are the card factions:
Space Marines:
The Brotherhood 9cards 559pts
Marines 9cards 582pts
Squats/Orcs 13cards 779pts (remove 3 cards of player's choice before play)
Slaanesh 10cards 675pts (remove 1 card of player's choice before play)
Khorne 10cards 614pts
Chaos 10cards 645pts
Servants of Nurgle 8cards 563pts
Servants of Khorne 8cards 597pts
Servants of Slaanesh 9cards 736pts (remove 2 cards of player's choice before play)
Ogres 10cards 6923pts (remove 1 card of player's choice before play)
Howling Banshee 9cards 596pts
Dire Avengers 8cards 620pts
Swooping Hawks 9cards 600pts
Dark Reapers 7cards 612pts
Fire Dragons 8cards 619pts
Striking Scorpions 10cards 623pts
Warp Spiders 9cards 600pts
Tyrell's Rebellion 9cards 611pts
Royal Dwarven Army: 18cards 953pts (remove 7 cards of player's choice before play)
Chaos Dwarves 17cards 888pts (remove 5 cards of player's choice before play)
Knights of the Realm 12cards 627pts
Mercenaries 12cards 612pts
Barbarians 11cards 559pts
Orcs 21cards 1043pts (remove 8 cards of player's choice before play)
Goblins 14cards 513pts (first {and only first} destroyed
unit is placed back into reserve units)
The average # of points for a card faction is 600 + or - 50 points. The average point total for a card is 50 points. Any group over the point margin by 50 points or more must remove 1 card per 50 points. Any group under 50 points gets to revive one card (in order of destruction) per 50 points of discrepancy.
All-in-all it works out pretty evenly!
Dave and I decided that we should distribute the Battle Groups among the players based on a giant initiative roll. First pick of Battle Group to highest roll and so on. Honestly, they should all be of even strength. Choice of Battle Group will be based on personal preference - who wants Corvus the most (see below).
You'll notice that special cards are lost in the mix (Dragons for instance). Though I assure you that they stay within their card origins (Monsters) they are divided intuitively and secretly among their card group divisions based on alignment and or point needs. I did this to enhance the excitement of the game. All of the decks will have some chance of winning, but you don't know who will be in your hand!
Each Battle Group (deck) will have listed 1 marquee card:
Space Marines:
The Brotherhood Including Brother Mordin - Legion of the Damned
Marines Including Lt Commander Chaves - Marine Power Fist
Squats/Orcs Including Warmaster Gorun - Squat Commander and Boglob - Space Orc Warchief
Slaanesh Including Sathash the Proud - Champion of Slaanesh
Khorne Including Dranak Goredrinker - Champion of Khorne
Chaos Including Corvus Bloodreaper - Wizard of Chaos
Servants of Nurgle Including The Great Unclean One - Servant of Nurgle
Servants of Khorne Including Bloodthirster - Servant of Khorne
Servants of Slaanesh Including The Keeper of Secrets - Servant of Slaanesh
Ogres Including Rothyogg - Ogre Mercenary
Howling Banshee Including Jain Zar - The Storm of Silence
Dire Avengers Including Asuremen - The Hand of Asuryan
Swooping Hawks Including Baharroth - The Cry of the Wind
Dark Reapers Including Mauga Ra - The Harvester of Souls
Fire Dragons Including Fuegan - The Burning Lance
Striking Scorpions Including Karandras - The Shadow Hunter
Warp Spiders Including Multis Planejumper
Tyrell's Rebellion Including Tyrell of Arden
Royal Dwarven Army: Including Prince Gomrund Tallhelm - Dwarf Warlord
Chaos Dwarves Including Ironbeard Gurthang - Chaos Dwarf Warmaster
Knights of the Realm Including Lord Agrevall - Knight Protector
Mercenaries Including Captain Grullman Grosz - Mercenary Warchief
Barbarians Including Harold the Swift - Barbarian Warlord
Orcs Including Grubod Skullcracker - Orc Warlord
Goblins Including Bogi Dungbreath -
King of the World
Pick you favorite decks NOW (and
hope for a good initiative roll at ZARCON 5)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!