Nemesis/Dragon Teams!

Nemesis: Freedom? will be a co-operatively GMed game.

Fair, equitable and FUN rules will be divulged at Z7. Rest assured that Chip and John are certain that together we can make this work and provide an awesome extravaganza with which to end our time together. This is a game GMed by everyone on an individual basis and together as a single entity. It's a tribute to us that something like this can even be attempted. Arbitration will eventually fall on the dead... So even if you die, you're still in the game.  


You NEMESIS guys may NOT conspire as you create your characters.
Make the most fun badass as you can and hope that it will be enough!!!
Nemesis characters have 375 points.

Brian Walker (Brother Mordin)
Jimbo (General Arashot)

Andrew Heckman (New character)
Mike Machura (New character)
BALL (New character)


DRAGON specs Posted!
Dragon characters have 250 points. All Dragon characters are new.

Derek Maschek
Kevin Gangel
Joe Brossard
David Piening
John DeLaHunt
Frank Limberg (?)

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