Time For A Change -- Epic City

A Champions Superhero game for Zarcon

by Chip Ghent (Edd to some of us)


Epic City Banner (dark)
Epic City Banner (light)
Epic City Street
Epic City Contrasts
The Citizen's Rep


Up or Down (Z4 TFAC recap, from Chip)
A Tragic Beginning - A New Protector (Jimbo)
Freedom (Rob)
The Shade: Opal's Encounter (Jeff B)
Reflections (Dave)
The Shade: Dark Visions (Jeff B)
Thompson (Chip)
Home (Kevin)
Just Another Claim? (Part 2 of Up or Down, a Z4 TFAC recap by Chip)
Epic City Port District (anonymous)
Foreshadow:  Mr. Fate (Jim B)
EC Coroner-Case 2112/42A-Arsonist/Gordon Bldg (anonymous)
Epic City Port District:  The Illustrated Man (Scott A)
Epic City Common Knowledge (anonymous)
Read all about it! (Epic City Common Knowledge, anonymous)
Tinder (Dave)
Renaissance Man (Jeff H)
The Scream (Cary Nichols)

Contact  Chip about the game
Contact  John about this page
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