ZARCON 9 - Half Move and Hold, Dammit!!!

Brain hurts, body hurts, soul feels goooood.

Dates August 16-20, 2006

Location: Dogwood Hills Country Club, 1252 Route KK, Osage Beach, MO

“The power of imagination makes us infinite."- John Muir, environmentalist, explorer, writer
"We don't stop playing because we get old; we get old because we stop playing." - George Bernard Shaw, playwright & Nobel laureate





Previous Years' Webpages

Other stuff

Things You Asked For 

The People (hearts, in honor of Chip's Klingon physiology, are number of Zarcons attended)

As Certain As Certain Gets:

Just not happening this year:

Zarconeers text list by name (probably out of date)
Zarconeers text list by state (probably out of date)

Update your information by email


The Place

Dogwood Hills Best Western
Overhead shot
Route Map



Current Schedule (Note that anyone who wants to stand up a game can do so)


Combat Cards (Bogie Dungbreath Invitational in the Hospitality Suite)  I'm the King of the World!!!!!

Teams loosely arranged to match the Epic City game, and playing for the right to play in the 2:00 pm (i.e. later) slot on Thursday.   Free agents should feel free to conspire with either side (but if they're worth diddley damn, they'll play both sides).



Free Agents:

*:  Note that under Hero Accounting Standards Board Rule 156 Interpretation 38, characters who are not overtly acting against that which is Right and Just cannot be termed "evil" or "villains," instead, they must be accounted for as a contra-hero, which more accurately describes their role in the endeavor.


Slot 1A (10:00 am -2:00 pm):

Epic City - Meet the New Gods!  (Chip, Hero 4/5)  Losers of the BDI.

Character Background: Divine RightDarkForce, Ghost Dancer, HazMan/Laughing Man
Character Color:  Ghost Dancer
Campaign Background materials:  Voire Mansion, Sanguine Times, ye olde city mappe, Wanted!, OOPS!

Slot 1B (2:00 pm - 6:00 pm):

Epic City - Meet the New Gods! (Chip, Hero 4/5)  Winners of the BDI.

Campaign info above

Board, card, and figure-based games, like HeroClix, Risk, Munchkin, Wings of War, Snits and Talisman

Slot 2 (7:00 pm to whenever):

A Closet, a Skeleton, a Key, and a Secret that will not Die  (Derek don't need no steenkin system!)

Read it and weep, you fools!

Board, card, and figure-based games, like HeroClix, Risk, Munchkin, Wings of War, Snits and Talisman


Slot 3 (11:00 am - 5:00 pm):  

Legacy of the Norns: Elivagar's Span (John, modified Base10)  Mead for breakfast (or lunch)!  Skal!  Players TBD.

Some Background     The Story So Far (as of start of Z9)    Cebo's Battlesong   Guess who?

Board, card, and figure-based games, like HeroClix, Risk, Munchkin, Wings of War, Snits and Talisman

Slot 4 (6:00 pm - whenever):

Sulus Alasia (Kevin, system, as always, TBA)

Alteration    Illusion    Necromancy    Necropolis    Summoning    Worm's Wrath

Board, card, and figure-based games, like HeroClix, Risk, Munchkin, Wings of War, Snits and Talisman


Slot 5 (11:00 am - 5:00 pm):

Star Wars (Dave, Hero)  Established characters get first chance to attend but new players will be encouraged – 8+ players welcomed

Jedi     Jedette     Our noble pilot   Whatsisname    Battledroid   Clone Commandos    Zon's Bane
The Story So Far (UPDATED!  Now as of start of Z9)
Source Information  Starship references
StarWarz the Musical! (flash)

Board, card, and figure-based games, like HeroClix, Risk, Munchkin, Wings of War, Snits and Talisman

Slot 6 (6:00 pm - whenever):

Epic City - Meet the New Gods!  (Chip, Hero 4/5)  FINALE!

Campaign info above


As usual, closing ceremonies at a joint TBD that serves poppers they made themselves for those who can attend…. Mmmmmm, Poppers!!!

Unscheduled events include, but are not yet limited to:

Combat Cards Live!  (operator TBD, system TBD)
Jimbo's Mayan Mayhem (Jimbo, system TBD)


Old Pages and Content

Zarcon 5 page
Zarcon 6 page is lost to the sands of time - sorry.
Zarcon 7 page
Zarcon 8 page
Epic City (by Chipper)


The Other Stuff

The email list (
Manage your subscription to Zarcon Email List (now fixed so AOL users can actually update their subscriptions - thanx, Pat!)
Photo gallery is open and awaiting submissions

Kemme gets engaged (Picture 1, Picture 2)
Ethan Ghent's nursery (Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3, Picture 4)
Ethan's nurse (Picture 1)
Behold! The Future of Zarcon! ( Picture 1)

Chip/Edd yields to the power of the mighty burrito at Z7 (current score is burrito 2, Chip 1 under 2003-4 NHL overtime rules)

Shopping list (Comments?  Email John)

Internet Oracle
Duck and Cover

Lost your creative edge?  Restore it at the Seventh Sanctum!

Preferred Content Providers

T Shirt Hell


Things You Asked For

Warthog Jump!
The Order of the Stick (improved link jumps straight to newest installment)
Science and Creation (from Chip)


Email John with broken links, ideas, etc.