The way the world is
At the beginning of time, Odin slew the giant Umir, born of blood formed when ice met fire in the Gunninga Gap, and scattered his bones to be the world.
Midgaard (middle earth) is the world of men. Through Midgaard runs Yggdrasil, the tree of Life, connecting other worlds to that of men. Asgard (high earth) is the world of the Aesir - the god-race, and home to Odin, Thor, Freya and dozens of others. Between Midgaard and Asgard lies Bifrost, the Rainbow Bridge, guarded by Heimdall. None pass over Bifrost without his consent. Near Asgard lies fallow Vanirheim (Vanir-land). Long ago, men worshipped the sun and the moon, the earth and its spirits. These old gods, the Vanir, resisted the new order when first it came into the world, but now they have settled their differences, and the old pagan gods live alongside the major gods in Asgard. Vanirheim is empty of its former godly occupants, but remains a fertile land, full of life.
Alfheim (elf-land) and Svartalfheim (dark-elf-land) are near Midgaard. Elves tend to the plants and animals of Midgaard - the elves by day and the dark elves by night. At twilight, elves return to Alfheim and night elves emerge from Svartalfheim. At dawn, they switch. Elves of one kind or another are always in Midgaard, but they are shy and retiring, preferring to wait until they are out of the sight of men to do their work (have you ever seen a rose grow?). Jotenheim (giant-land) also lies near Midgaard. Men and giants rarely mix, as the giants are jealous of the favor men have earned with the Gods, and men are fearful of the giants. Even so, some men dare to cross the mighty river that separates their two lands, and it is not uncommon for Gods to do so also. Giants are magical and amiable beings, happy to make their own way until they can prove themselves worthy of the Gods’ attention.
Under the earth lies Svartheim (dark-land), land of the dwarves. Dwarves are cunning and ingenious - makers of all the greatest inventions and crafts. They rarely emerge from their caverns where lies the wealth of the earth - ores and coal - and the home of dwarfish ingenuity - forges and smithies. Muspelheim (fire-land) and Helheim (ice-land) are far from Midgaard, both down and away. Muspelheim is the distant South, and Helheim - the distant North. Helheim is the land of the dead - those killed by tragedy, cowardice or disease. Muspelheim is the land of life - without fire there is nothing.
From time to time, people from the other worlds visit the world of men because it is full of action and opportunity.
The way the people are
Dwellers in all these worlds are people of their word. Once one gives his word, the deed is as good as done - nothing will prevent the oath-giver from failing to achieve his pledge. All in the nine worlds live by this philosophy. Those who are outwardly honorable are much willing to give their pledge than those who are not so. Rather than deceive, they will simply avoid clear statements or they will provide vague wording. This way, if they meet someone who will accept their word, they may still get their way over them.
Those who deceive or breath their promises are traitors and unworthy of respect. They are destined to a long life among thieves and liars in the world of the dead. The honorable dead will be received by Odin in Valhalla, there to feast every day until Ragnorak, the Final Battle.
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